TFF Ratio History for tim malbon (malbonster)

tim malbon
AKA: malbonster
Location: London
Bio: Co-founder of Made by Many, a platform-building mutant network design company. Agilist. Strategist. Designer of social software. Dad.

Followers: 4022
Friends: 1173
Updates: 11803
Favorites: 636
TFF Ratio: 3.43
Am I a Genius?

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History (since April 10, 2009)


Recently calculated TFF Ratios:

AKA: 4030lisa
Location: on your nerves
Bio: obviously a secret agent, hemptress, cosmic interpreter, general counterpoint, your average juxtaposition theorist

Followers: 894
Friends: 1239
Updates: 24560
Favorites: 11
TFF Ratio: 0.72
Will Always be a Follower

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Ashley Martinez
AKA: AshleyMartinez3
Location: Kansas

Followers: 95
Friends: 176
Updates: 579
Favorites: 2
TFF Ratio: 0.54
Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places

☂ Eli Villalba ϟ
AKA: Elizabeth_Snape
Location: Tijuana, BC, México x]
Bio: Aprendiz de los que dicen saber mucho marketing, porque el mercado se innova, sin embargo de tres formas pienso: la correcta, la incorrecta y la mía 8D ¡Ups!

Followers: 451
Friends: 100
Updates: 21993
Favorites: 287
TFF Ratio: 4.51
Popular Aren't I?

Lee Lawrence
AKA: lee__lawrence
Location: Birmingham, UK
Bio: Im twenty-six. Im a raving gay. Live in Birmingham. Love music with a passion. Im a massive Doctor Who fan and love all the 'Real Housewives of...'.

Followers: 169
Friends: 125
Updates: 35681
Favorites: 25
TFF Ratio: 1.35
Keepin it Real

AKA: PreSeedBaby
Location: Spokane, WA
Bio: Founded by two women reproductive physiologists, INGfertility designs and commercializes products to support fertility.

Followers: 1035
Friends: 1007
Updates: 618
Favorites: 0
TFF Ratio: 1.03
Mama's Boy